Why do events not have a lot of information?
Today in Auburn History started as a Twitter account and was therefore restricted to 280 characters. As this website was created, the collection of tweets was imported to fill in the calendar.
Most of the events you see currently include the same information used in the original tweets. Once the site is further along in development, events will be expanded upon.
Ideally, each event would include additional photos, videos, stats, and more. If you would like to provide additional information to help expedite the process, please reach out.
Why doesn’t the photo used on this event match the description?
Not every event photo will match the details. Most of the time this is because of the quality of images available. It is often more important to showcase a high-quality photo than a photo of the moment or person.
If you have a high-quality image that better matches the event, please submit it here.
The photo shown isn’t from the event described.
Mistakes sometimes happen and photos get mixed up. If there is a mistake, please let us know.
Other times, there aren’t photos of the specific event. Utilizing a photo that closely resembles the event, person, or time period is sometimes the best option. If you have a photo from the specific event that would be better, please submit it here.
You are using one of my photos.
If a photo on the site is your property, please let us know. We will be happy to adjust the copyright information to rightfully credit you or replace the image altogether.
Something broke on the site.
Please let us know of any issues or bugs discovered throughout the site. We will correct any issues as quickly as possible.